Tuesday, August 28, 2007

As part of the 23 learning 2.0 Things my BLOG needs to comment on technology...anything that interests me...well I'd like an automatic food dispenser, an electric blanket that is warm in winter and cool in summer and ...well thats about it really. Is ther other technology?

The female that lives in my house, the one who gets up at night to let me out, no the other one, commented that computer technologies so rapidly changing that anyone using old technology is just about dead in the water.
Old technology is anything older than 2 years , Even that's a stretch, and that the old computer just has to go. The Luddite can's understand why as we only just had it upgraded a year and half ago. But its difficult to explain why we need to get new computers, (yes, plural) and an external hard drive, and a wireless modem, and a wireless printer.
With all the members of the family trying to access information and communications at the same time it is important to have more than one access point.
To make those access points more viable they need to be portable, thus wireless modem and printing.
Because all the communications, photos and music is now digital we need external storage. We also need lots of usb memory sticks to get info from one place to another....so no more floppy discs and few CDs.
All of this puts an enormous strain on the family budget (less available funds for Wiskas).
Once upon a time we used the phone to talk to people, or letters to write to the. Records played on the hifi or we listened to the radio or watched the TV.
Bills for Broadband, updating equipment, dowload costs (especially music as we would'nt want to rip it)
And the electricity to run it all!
Meow and big stretch...prrrr


The Learning 2.0 Program said...

Welcome to the Learning 2.0 program Hollycat! Yes, times they are a changing, but not always for the worse. There are some wonderful things happening nowadays with technology and community- well done for taking up the challenge of learning about some of them.
Dr Who would be proud : )

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

I meant "Hollysnow Supercat"- I beg your pardon!